Best 5 Amazing Fish!

Marvelous Fish

Fish are the one of the most beautiful creatures of the water world , hence are also considered as 'Queen of water'. The average lifespan of a fish is 20 years , however catfish has a lifespan of 60 years. Do you know that they cannot blink as they don't have eyelids! Fish have an excellent sense of smell, touch, sight, taste and hearing.
So after some of these cool fish facts let us check out some of the beautiful fishes. Let's begin our underwater journey!

5.Betta Fish

They live in the shallow water of marshes,ponds,or slow moving streams.

•Male bettas build nest for thier young ones with thier mouths! 
• These are carnivorous and eat mosty insects and thier larvae as well.
• This specie is also known as Siamese fighting fish.
• Thier lifespan is 3-5 years and are of length 7 cm.
• Bettas are found in different colours because of various layers of pigments in skin, colours vary like red,orange, yellow,blue,steelblue,green,black,pastel,
white to multi-colored fish.
• They  change thier colour due to stress, which is not good for them!

4.Gold Fish

It is a freshwater fish which are most commonly kept in aquarium. 

• They eat live plants, worms , larvae and peas.
•The largest gold fish is the size of a cat!
• There are over 300 different species of its kind with infinite colour combinations.
• The lifespan of a common goldfish is 10-15 years.The world record of longest lifespan was 43 years.

3.Threadfin Butterfly fish

These are found in South Africa, Japan and Australia.

• These fish are omnivores.
• There are more than 130 species of butterfly fish.
• They vary in size from 3 to 6 inches.
• It is called butterfly fish because of its attractive coloration of their body , colour vary from black, orange, yellow, red, silver to white with different kind of spots and patterns.
•Most of them live in larger groups known as " schools".
• Average lifespan is about 7 years.
• Their young ones are known as " fry".

2.Freshwater Angelfish

It is found in Amazon Basin in Peru, Colombia and Brazil.

• They may grow upto 8 inches.
•Their lifespan is more than 10 years.
This specie is omnivorous in nature and enjoy eating bloodworms,brineshrimp,white worms and other small insects.
• There are about 100 species of Angelfish.
Black Angelfish are rare.

1.Lion fish

Also called zebrafish, tastyfish, firefish or turkey fish.

It's found in Pacific Ocean,U.S and North America.
• They vary from 2 inches to 13 inches in length.
• Their bodies are covered with red, white, orange, black or brown strips, these strips are arranged in zebra-like pattern.
• They have about 18 venomous spines on their body used for self defense!
•They can survive from 5 to 15 years.

Do you know?

A shark's body is such that no bacteria can attach themselves to it!

Credit of images goes to their respective owners.

Thanks for reading!

Guys share your views and opinions in the comment section and don't forget to tell us the name of the largest fish in the world..


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