7 World's most unique flowers!!


Quirky flowers to admire...

Flowers are always there to amaze us whether it comes to fragrances, varieties in colours, shapes, sizes or something else.
There are many amazing species like the one known as the most fragrant flower, or the most ugliest flower or if you search about the most rarest flower in the world.
All such kind of blossoms are unique in themselves.
However, there are so many species in the world which are considered as the most unique flowers because of their distinctive properties that the list goes on.

So, here is a list of some of them, check them out!

7. Lobster Claws

Lobster Claws are also called as hanging lobster claws, false birds of paradise or parrot flowers because of their bracts which look like beaks.
The attractive colourful parts of the plant which we think as flowers are modified leaves. These leaves are called bracts and they contain the real small flowers inside them.
Lobster claws are native to South America and Pacific Ocean Islands west to Indonesia.
The False birds of paradise are the national flower of Bolivia. 
There are about 200 species in which the colour of bracts could be pink, yellow, orange, red, green, purple or a combination of all.

6. Flying Duck Orchids

These cute flowers are Flying duck orchids often called large duck orchids and are scientifically named as  Caleana Major. 
Duck Orchids native to eastern and southern Australia, are very small in size measuring only 0.5 to 0.7 inches in size.
As you can see the arrangement of different parts of the flower gives it a look of a duck in flight and hence got its name. The plants can reach up to 50 cms in height and the flowers bloom in September and January.
To male sawflies, it looks like female sawfly, as they pollinate the flower and this process of pollination is called pseudocopulation.

5. Spider Chrysanthemums

Often called spider mums, spider Chrysanthemums got this name just because of their appearance. Having long, tube-like petals spread loosely like spider legs they resemble spiders. 
These Chrysanthemums were originated in China and nowadays are mostly used in wedding functions for decoration purposes. 
Spider mums look so amazing that if you see them once you will never forget!

These beautiful mums are of red, bronze, yellow, mauve, white, lavender and pink colours and need a lot of nutrients to grow healthy.

4. Hooker's Lips

Scientifically known as Psychotria elata, Hooker's Lips grow in rainforests in Ecuador, Costa Rica and other Central and South American countries.
They resemble a woman's red lips and also called as 'hot lips'. The eye-catchy, attractive shape and colour attracts pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds.
In Central America people used to gift the plants to their family and friends, to show their love.
However, the most interesting fact about the flowers is that they are not real flowers but bracts (modified leaves) that grows into white flowers after a few days.

3. Night Blooming Cereus

Ceroid Cacti is commonly known as Night Blooming Cereus. Having a rich and floral fragrance, all species are white only.
These are short-lived flowers where some species bloom only once in a year, for a single night, for eg. Selenicereus grandiflorus. Although the flower close and wither in the dawn, produces a large red juicy fruit if was pollinated in the night.

Native to Arizona and the Sonora desert is also known as 'Queen of the night' and ' Princess of night'. 

2.Lady's Slipper Orchid

Lady's Slipper Orchids got their name because of the oddly shaped pouch of the flower which resembles a lady's slipper.
This pouch works as a trap for the pollinators which are usually small insects.
Found in Eurasia and America, slipper orchids have two fertile anthers ( male pollen-producing structures) while other orchids have only one!
These flowers are extremely rare in the Himalayas and their cultivation is prohibited in India by the Wildlife Protection Act.
Most common Slipper Orchids are yellow orchid and pink orchid.

1.Monkey face orchid

Monkeyface orchids are also known as monkey - like Dracula and scientifically called Dracula Simia. 
These orchids are found in the forests of Ecuador and Peru, growing at the elevation 1000 to 2000 ft. above the sea level.
The arrangement of the petals strongly looks like a monkey's face.
 Most amazing fact is that it smells like a ripe orange instead of banana, just kidding!

The plant starts to flower after 7 years of germination and blooms in both cold and warm weather.
 Found in many colours like red, purple, pink, orange, blue, white, green and brown, the monkey face orchids are so distinctive that makes them one of the most unique flowers in the world!

The credit of images goes to respective owners.

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