Magnolia flower|Interesting facts| Love Nature

 Magnolia flower

Magnolias are found in southeast Asia, eastern North America, West Indies, Central America and South America.

Interestingly, these flowers are named after a French botanist Pierre Magnol!

There are about 210 species of magnolia flowers varying in shapes, sizes, colours and other characteristics.

 Flowers bloom during the springs and amazingly enhance the beauty of nature!

Magnolia is considered to live for years and hence believed as a symbol of persistence, endurance and determination. It also symbolises love for nature, beauty, nobility and feminine sweetness.

The University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture says that the southern magnolia tree is not toxic for animals as well as humans. The flowers and berries don't result in food poisoning after ingestion.

The flowers are of yellow, red, purple, pink and white colour, having a strong and pleasant, citrus-like aroma.

They produce cone-shaped reddish brown fruits which contain kidney-shaped red seeds that serve as a part of the meal for many bird species.

These are protogynous flowers which means that the female parts open first and closes, it again reopens with the male parts.

Beetles are the common pollinators of Magnolia. However, the flowers don't produce nectar but they produce pollen rich in protein in large amount and beetles use it as their food.

Interestingly, it's found that there are about 26 places in the U.S that are named Magnolia.

"Magnolia state" is the nickname of Mississippi, whereas Houston is known as "The Magnolia City" as countless flowers grow along the Buffalo Bayou.

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So, what do you think about these amazing Magnolia flowers? Don't you think they are amazing!
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